Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pray For Our Pastors

I love listening to James MacDonald and Walk in the Word, Michael Youceff and Leading The Way, and David Jeremiah from Turning Point. Not only them, but many other pastors I find on share the Word of God in truth. They don't sugar-coat God's word. They speak by the power of the Holy Spirit within them to lead the flock God has placed in their counsel along the right path.

These men genuinely fear the Lord. By the grace of God, they understand the gravity of the position they hold. They take seriously James words found in James 3:1 that says, "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement."

I'm not placing them on a pedestal because they like the rest of us are human beings; capable of falling just as we all are, but I pray for these men as I listen to the messages they share asking God to continue to keep them in His hands, to continue to guide them with His Spirit and that they continue to submit themselves to God in all things so there will be no possibility for the enemy to destroy their testimonies.

Do you pray for our spiritual leaders? Do you know they face an even greater attack from the enemy because Satan is out to silence the Truth. He's out to deceive the world because he knows how short his time is and he would love nothing more than for one of these men to fall and bring contempt upon the body of Christ.

The evil one is a liar, a mocker, an accuser, and a thief, among many other detestable character traits. I urge everyone who is a brother or sister in Christ to lift these faithful men up to the Lord daily and ask God to protect them against the enemy's attempt to assail them.

It would do us all well to get our minds off ourselves and place them on others, praying fervently for our brothers and sisters daily. Let me ask you something, would you admit that we, especially in America, have an ungrateful spirit?

Do you stop and thank God everyday for the things we so carelessly take for granted? What if tomorrow you have no running water, no electricity, no food to eat, and no roof over your head? If we are honest we get frustrated at the least little thing that goes wrong, or doesn't continue its duty to perform in giving us the creature comforts we think we so greatly deserve.


America along with the rest of the world is in for a rude awakening. I pray men and women will prepare their hearts through the knowledge and truth of God's Holy Word that they may be able to withstand the foreshadowing troubles of the very near future. I also pray if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior that today will be the day you do.

People, pray for our true spiritual leaders and pray God will deliver all of His children from the tumult soon to come. He is shortening the days, do you sense it?

Learn to play Christian music on piano today

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

Tomorrow night Tuesday, July 10 at 9 p.m. ET there is going to be a special 3-hour report on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report with host speaker Steve Quayle. The title is "Famine & the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." 

A Revolution Radio article stated that it will "focus on the intersection of current events and biblical prophecy. Global economic apocalypse, increased tensions in the Middle East, drought, wildfires, natural and man-made disasters are causing people with discernment to question whether we are seeing the beginnings of Divine judgement on America and the entire world."

Last week's message on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report was WW III. People need to wake up and hear the truth as to what is going on here. This world and this country is no longer what it has been.

People wake up! The ramifications are gonna hit you smack in the face. Get off the entertainment, get off the TV, get off the secular radio, get off the games and wake up! The sheep are being led to the slaughter. Smart sheep follow the Shepherd. If your a stupid sheep your gonna be slaughtered. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Deception and seduction is all around us! Wake up! You want rock and roll? As Steve Quayle said "It's rock and roll time. God is yet going to shake the Heavens and the earth in His fury." 

Jesus said if we put our faith in Him and stand our ground we will tread on serpents.  Get with it people, stop being complacent and stop allowing the enemy to lull you to sleep concerning these perilous times. 

There is an opportunity for you to listen to this message I am posting in this article. Are you gonna blow it off and continue to walk in your blind, selfish ambitions and turn on MTV or some corrupt and perverse program, or sit back and play your video games and let the hours tick away while your spiritual condition is hanging in the balance, or are you gonna click on the message above and hear what's really happening in this world?

Wake up humanity. We are close to Christ's return. You've heard it said, "get right or get  left."

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh This Wretched Flesh

I am so blown away by how every word of God is so (exactly) true! I say this, because as I follow what His Word tells me is best for my life, I find the result of His promise to be exactly what He said it would be! 

This builds my faith tremendously and makes me believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, those things I have not experienced or seen with my own eyes or touched with my own hands is exactly true as well without doubt. 

Now I must say, although I absolutely believe every word of the Bible, in my flesh, certain things still try to strangle that truth within me. Past hurts and hang-ups make it more difficult for me to trust God with them. My mind and heart know for certain I CAN trust God with them but my will and emotions struggle with that truth.

This is an area in which I need much of God's grace and where I must be on my knees daily before His throne. I must learn to go to Him with these circumstances every moment they rear their ugly heads. And honestly, some days they rise up moment by moment (like that popular bob em'  game for kid's, where the heads are popping up at first one by one and then more quickly they come 1-2-3 at a time). 

I have to remember no matter what I have experienced in this life, at the hands of other sinful creatures like me, I must place my trust in the Lord and not look to sinful man to heal my hurts.

I'm not one to sugar coat things in my life and gloss over them as if they don't matter because (no matter how long the healing takes) healing will not take place if I am unwilling to face the issues, be honest and transparent about them and confront them head on. 

I know I can't do it in my own strength and I have found that only in His presence (when these emotions arise) can I feel any sense of peace over them.

I pray today, if any of you struggle with similar feelings and emotions that you too will find solace at the feet of Jesus where He sits on His throne. The One who has conquered death, hell and the grave and Who intercedes to the Father on our behalf! Praise you Jesus and thank you for your grace, mercy and love that you bestow on your children each day!